Before You Go Away On Vacation, Make Sure You HVAC System Is Set And Protected
Posted on:
19 July 2016
Nothing ruins your summer vacation vibe faster than coming home to a broken AC unit or a through-the-roof energy bill. If you plan on leaving your air conditioning on while you're away, there is always a risk that something could go wrong – but you can minimize that risk by following these tips.
Set your thermostat higher.
There's no need to keep your home at a chilly 68 or 70 when you're not there – but you don't want to turn it off completely, or you'll come home to a humid heat-box.
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Comparing Desiccant And Compressor Dehumidifiers
Posted on:
1 June 2016
Dehumidifiers, like their name suggests, work to remove moisture from the air in order to maintain comfort levels within your home and improve overall air quality. There are two main types of dehumidifiers on the market, both of which perform the same function but do so in a different manner. Understanding the differences in what both desiccant and compressor dehumidifiers have to offer can help you choose the type of dehumidifier that best suits your home's needs.
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Preparing Your Furnace For Non-Use In The Summer
Posted on:
9 February 2016
Once winter comes to an end, you will get to enjoy a few months of not having to use your furnace. During those months, your furnace will sit idle. Before you power down the furnace for the summer, it is important that you prepare the furnace for a little vacation. Here, you will learn how to do just that.
You will need a few supplies including:
Screwdriver Spray lubricant New furnace filter Shop-vac with brush and crevice attachments Turn off the Gas
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Two Things To Consider When Buying A Tankless Water Heater For A Tiny Home
Posted on:
5 January 2016
The primary challenge of designing and building a tiny house is maximizing available space. The average tiny house is about 186 square feet, which doesn't leave a lot of room for things like hot water tanks. While tankless water heaters are a good option for this type of home, the diversity of options can make it difficult to choose the right one. Here are two main things to consider when picking a tankless water heater for your tiny home.
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