4 Radiant Cooling And Other Efficient Solutions For Conventional AC Alternatives

Posted on: 19 July 2019


The AC in your home may be old and outdated, or you may not have modern air conditioning and need a solution to keep your home cool during the summer heat. Today, there are many options for efficient cooling systems that offer alternatives to conventional AC systems. Some of the options you may want to consider include ductless, compact ducts, evaporative cooling, or radiant heating. The following are some of the conventional AC alternatives that you can use to keep your home cool during the summer heat:

1. Radiant Cooling Systems to Cool Your Home Efficiently in Summer

If you have existing radiant heating systems in your home, then the solution to cool your home may be staring you in your face. Radiant cooling systems can use existing radiators to cool your home by circulating cool water through the radiators, or they can be newly installed systems that are designed to absorb the radiant heat in the ceiling. This is an efficient way to keep your home cool using heat transfer.

2. Evaporative Cooling Combination Systems That Give You Benefits From Both Designs

Another alternative to conventional AC is evaporative cooling, which works in dry climates, but may not work efficiently during humid weather. Therefore, you may want to have a hybrid system for your home that uses a combination of evaporative cooling and conventional AC to provide you with the most efficient cooling solution, depending on the weather outside.

3. Compact Ducts With High-Velocity Systems for An Efficient AC Design in Tight Spaces

Another option for an alternative to conventional AC is to install compact ducts, which supply the cool air to your home with high-velocity systems. These solutions can be installed with heat pumps, which will provide efficient cooling for summer and efficient heating during the winter months to provide you with a solution for all your heating and cooling needs.

4. Ductless Mini-Split Systems and Heat Pumps That Offer Efficient HVAC Without the Ductwork

Today, mini-split ductless systems have become the ideal solution for small air conditioning solutions in additions, basements, and small homes. Since there are no ducts to lose air and energy, ductless systems are more efficient and cost less to install because there are fewer materials that are needed to install your new AC.

These are some of the alternatives that you may want to consider for replacing your old AC or installing a new cooling system for your home. When you get ready to install a new cooling system for your home, contact an air conditioning contractor and talk to them about some of these AC alternatives for greener, energy-efficient solutions.

To learn more, click here for more info.